2560 x 1600
A virtual psychological thriller by Jake Fiedler
Directed by Michael Hettler
SPECIAL REBROADCAST AND TALKBACK WITH THE CAST AND PRODUCTION TEAM: Friday, December 4th at 6 pm PST. Don't miss your last chance to see this show!
​When a team of coworkers meets for a Zoom call one evening, their worst-case scenario is either spotty Wi-Fi, endless audio issues, or the perfect storm…an unfinished PowerPoint presentation. But they are not the only ones on this call.
Starring Paige Brown, James Butler, Brian Caelleigh, Tasneem Islam, Daryl Leonardo, Jayme Mantos, and Leah Wasylik
Live virtual performances showing:
Friday, November 6 @ 6:00pm PST (pay-what-you-can preview performance)
Friday, November 13 @ 6:00pm PST
Saturday, November 14 @ 6:00pm PST
Friday, November 20 @ 6:00pm PST
Saturday, November 21 @ 6:00pm PST
This production will be viewed online. A Zoom link will be emailed 24 hours prior to the event. Virtual waiting room opens at 5:50 pm.
Anticipated runtime: 55 minutes